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来源 : 深圳市眼科医院 时间 :2005-08-10

  深圳市眼病防治研究所 深圳市眼病防治研究所是市一级的眼科学研究所,成立于 2001 年,以暨南大学医学院附属眼科医院为依托,拥有雄厚的技术力量,目前有专职研究人员 5 人,其中博士及博士后 3 人,硕士 2 人,并承担了暨南大学眼科学硕士研究生的教学任务。研究所占地面积约 1000M 2 ,有大量国内外先进的研究仪器与设备,分为分子生物学实验室,病理实验室,角膜病实验室,艾滋病实验室,细胞培养实验室,中心实验室,药理学实验室,免疫实验室等。研究方向囊括了角膜病、眼屈光、白内障、青光眼、玻璃体视网膜眼底疾病、眼部整形、肿瘤等,基本涵盖了眼科学所有领域。发展到今天,眼科研究所成为具有 5000 万元资产的眼科专业研究机构,拥有多项省市级科研课题,并成为深圳市眼科医院的科教研基地,以高新医学科技为医院的临床诊断提供更为先进准确的辅助诊断,并不断提高医院的科研学术水平。 2003 年,深圳市眼病防治研究所与香港中文大学眼科中心研究所建立了合作关系,聘请了彭培智教授作为名誉教授。 SHENZHEN EYE DISEASE RESEARCHING INSTITUTION has belonged to Shenzhen since foundered in 2001,owning abundant technical force, such as 5 researchers of full time including 3 doctors and 2 masters. Moreover, it has assumed a duty of educating the graduated students of ophthalmology of JINAN University. With advanced equipment , the institution occupied 1000 M 2 including molecular biology lab, pathology lab, corneal disease lab, AIDS lab, cell culture lab, central lab, pharmacology lab and immune lab, and so on . The content of research in the institution consist to corneal disease, refraction, cataract, glaucoma, vitroretinal and fundus disease, ocular plastic , ocular tumor etc. ,which comprised of most of the fields of the ophthalmology .Today being a special ophthalmology of research institution ,with the fund of ¥ 50,000,000, the institution has get many technical items of city or province ,and it has been the basement of science and education and research of the Shenzhen Eye hospital, and it supports the clinic diagnosis of the hospital by high and new medical science , and elevates the degree of scientific research of the hospital. In 2003, the institution associated with the institution of ophthalmic center of the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Pr. Peng Peizhi has been an honorary professor of the institution. 郭琳洁, 女,眼科学博士,主要研究方向为白内障,眼眶病与眼肿瘤,从事临床工作 10 年,在后发性白内障的预防与治疗,眼眶疾病及眼部肿瘤的诊断及治疗方面有独特的见解,在国家级期刊发表相关论文 15 篇,主要承担国家级课题 2 项,省市级课题 3 项,参与著书 2 部。
